Happy Birthdays and Happiness

Green Floral Dress, Cardigan, Red Lip

Green Floral Dress, Cardigan, Strappy Sandal

Green Floral Dress, Cardigan, Strappy Sandal, Grey manicure

Green Floral Dress, Cardigan, Strappy Sandal, Red Lip Dress: Sheinside | Cardigan: Gap | Heels: GoJane

Last week my sweet Nico and I celebrated my 20-somethingth birthday.  I may be young (still technically “early twenties” I think), but I generally have a rough time with birthdays.  Basically my whole life I have been an overachiever and I am constantly looking at benchmarks to make sure I am on track or ahead for my age.  I also just celebrated my one year blogiversary.  It’s very easy for me to get caught up in where I should be at a certain phase of my life (or blog).  But this year, I’m not worried about it.  I’m just happy to be where I am.  I am happy that I am happily married.  I’m happy that I have a house.  I am happy that I have two awesome and adorable pups.  I am happy with my family.  I am happy that I have a job.  I am happy that I get to travel.  I am happy that I am getting so much enjoyment out of my blog.  Heck, I’m happy that I even have a blog!  It seems like the more I decide to just be happy, the better things get.  Sometimes happiness is about perspective.  I know that everyone has a different situation and I am not undermining the fact that I do feel incredibly blessed.  However, sometimes things suck for me too and I just have to decide to be happy.  I recently saw a TED talk on “forging meaning” and it reminded me that I get to decide what different challenges mean to me.  So what we have had three major repairs that we had to do to our house this year?  At least I’m in a position that I can take care of them.  At least I have a house.

Another reason I feel happy lately is that I am taking some things into my own hands.  It’s not up to others to make sure I get what I want.  It’s up to me.  My dad recently told me that you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.  Well, if life isn’t giving you what you think you deserve, maybe it’s time to do a little negotiating.

I recognize that this is a fashion blog, not an inspirational blog, so let’s get back to the fun stuff.  This is the dress I wore for my birthday and I soooo love it.  Shop the look below and have a very happy Tuesday (or Wednesday…or whatever day it is when you read this).

Much love,


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