Tech Junkie: 7 Current Favorites

 Also: Camera Junkie, Instagram Junkie, I’m Not a Photographer but I Love Taking Photos

Samsung NX300M, Eye-Fi Card, Backup Battery, Sonix Case, Urbanears headphones, Canon 50mm lens, Tech wipes

Samsung NX300M | Eye-Fi wi-fi memory card | Sonix iPhone case | Canon 50mm f1.8 lens

Urbanears headphones | Gold bar dot backup iPhone battery | Well Kept disinfectant wipes

Tech Junkie

I’ve rounded up 7 of my current must-have tech items and tech accessories that are sure to please any blogger.  Or anyone who just likes taking photos for Instagram, really.  The reason I share only 7 is because I paired it down to my biggest crushes right now.

1. Samsung NX 300M

Lately I’ve been trying to kick my Instagram into gear and have been looking for ways to take better pictures.  In the past, I would normally just snap photos with my phone but that always left me longing for a little more.  Sometimes I would send myself pictures from the Canon but the Canon isn’t all that convenient to carry around and sometimes I think pictures are too high quality.  I know nothing about what is really happening but I imagine that when trying to compress a giant image down to the “Instasquare”, something is lost.  Well there’s the dilemma.  Enter the Samsung NX300M.  I was hesitant at first.  I mean, do I    really need another camera (the collection is getting quite large)?  Probably not, but I’ve been using this camera for over a week now and am in love.  It’s super easy to transfer photos to my phone.

I also love the funcitonality of the camera.  It has a touch screen and you can tap the screen to focus on a certain area (much like the iPhone).  Another feature I really like is that you can shoot in manual.  I’ve been shooting in automatic mostly because the photos are for Instagram, but I really love that I can shoot in manual if I want to.  Finally, I love that you have so many different lens options.  I went with the 18-55mm but there are so many others to choose from.

If you’re not excited about the price tag, there are other options.  I bought mine on sale so definitely look for it to be on sale if you want to purchase.  If you don’t care about the flip screen, you can also go down a model or possibly buy a used one.  If you have any questions about the camera, comment below or shoot me an email and I’d be happy to address them in a future post.

Also, I feel the need to share the essence of a review I read on Amazon.  One reviewer said that this camera is sure to please all but the pros.  And I think that’s true.  The quality of this camera is not going to be the same as your Canon 5D Mark III but it works well for Instagram or just snapping candid photos of your friends.  I’ve been really pleased with the camera but Nick, while he likes it too, says “It’s definitely not as good as what we’re used to” or something to that effect.  My response is…I don’t need that for Instagram.  I just don’t.

2. Eye-Fi wifi memory card

I am in no position to offer a review of this product because I haven’t actually used it yet.  It came in the mail the same day as the Samsung so I truthfully haven’t even tried it yet.  I will tell you that I bought it for the Canon so that I could easily transfer files to my phone.  Given that the Samsung does this, I’m not sure what need I will have for it but I am still excited to try it and will provide an update later.

3. Sonix iPhone Case

This is one of the two products on my board that I do not own.  I am in love with all of Sonix cases and thought that it was important to share something I’ve been crushing on lately.  It is definitely a good idea to have some sort of a case on your phone at all times.  I would also recommend a screen protector.  I have dropped my phone more than a handful of times and my phone doesn’t even have a scratch.  I keep joking that one day I’m going to take my screen protector off and my whole screen is going to just crumble.  In any case, I buy cases from J. Crew most often but I think my next one will be a Sonix case.  If you have any experience with this, share with me before I buy.  Pretty please?

4. Canon 50mm f1.8 lens

I have used a 50mm lens from the start.  My first designated “blog” camera was a Nikon D5200.  I had a 50mm and actually loved the duo.  However, earlier this year I upgraded to a Canon 5D Mark III because I wanted the video capabilities.  I also started out with a 50mm with this camera and still love it.  However, I must caveat that I recently purchased a 40mm and used this for my last shoot.  I don’t see a major difference in the final product.  However, I think it was much easier for Nick to get some of his usual shots with the 40mm because he doesn’t have to be as far away.  I think the 40 takes the cake right now but I include the 50 on my list because it’s a longtime favorite.

5. Urbanears headphones

I have a very similar pair to these that I picked up at SBSCon.  I know this has nothing to do with taking photos or anything but I include them on my list because I like to listen to music or audiobooks while I’m editing pictures or writing a post.  That’s all.

6. Gold Bar Dot Backup Battery

We’ve all been there.  You forgot to charge your phone or you’ve just been blowing up Twitter all day and your battery has died.  I know I’ve been there and suddenly everything I planned to post via phone is out the window.  Aside from scheduling all of your posts in advance, not much can be done once your phone dies.  Unless you have this. This will save you in these moments and give your phone extra life.  Plus, it’s super cute!

7. Well Kept Disinfectant Wipes

Nothing will make your photos look more messed up (aside from maybe spinning around while you’re trying to snap the perfect shot) than a dirty screen.  With a dirty screen, everything will look terrible.  Just take care of that with a handy little tech wipe.  I haven’t bought this brand, but I am a lover of all things wipes.  Wipe the filth and the germs off of your phone.  After all, you probably have more contact with your phone than anything else.  AND you hold that thing up. to. your. face.  So clean it.

Hope you found some of this helpful!  Let me know if you want additional info about anything.

What are your tech faves at the moment?

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Alysia Ave wrote:

    Love the camera suggestions! Definitely need an upgrade soon. Thanks for sharing!

    Posted 8.6.14
  2. Tiffany wrote:

    Love these!! I just got a wifi memory card and it is life-changing. And of course i have well-kept in my purse at all times!! 🙂

    xo, Tiffany |  Tiffany Style Blog 
    Insta | Twitter | Pin | Facebook 

    Posted 8.7.14

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