1. Phytolisse Serum | 2. POREfessional Primer | 3. Flowerbomb Perfume | 4. Sephora Boar Round Brush | 5. Coralista Blush | 6. They’re Real! Mascara | 7. bareMinerals Foundation 
I have a serious weakness for beauty products.  While I love trying new products and changing up my routine, most of these products have been a consistent part of my routine for a while.  With the exception of Flowerbomb, which is a recent addition, I’ve been using these products for a couple of years. Products 1, 2, 5, and 6 are products that I received samples of using beauty insider points from Sephora.  I guess samples work because I now return to those products again and again.  
What are your favorite beauty products?
Happy Hump Day!
Much love,