#REALationship Goals | Vol. 20 Getting Fit Together

#REALationshipGoals | Vol. 20 Getting Fit | Dating Advice | Relationships | Marriage

Nick and I just celebrated 6 years of marriage and we spent some time going through photos of our first year of marriage the other day. It was so fun looking back at old memories, but one thing stood out to me: we’ve gone through LOTS of different phases in terms of fitness since our relationship began. With summer right around the corner, I’m increasingly aware of my current fitness level. Staying fit in a relationship is tough. You’re with the one that makes you so comfortable that you don’t think twice about the way you look when you’re together. You love spending time together and that usually includes enjoying meals together. But who doesn’t want to look great and 

I know Sabrina, Lauren, and I all value our health and fitness so we’re dishing on how we work with bae to stay fit and healthy together, including how we struggle in the same.

Getting Fit Together

What’s your favorite way to #getfitwithbae?

I sort of hate running, but this is my favorite way to exercise with Nick. We go for runs, then walk and talk on the way back and it’s always so fun. I also love it when Nick will do yoga with me (pretty much never) or set up a wod (workout of the day…he does Crossfit) for us to do together.

We love doing spin classes together and it’s probably the easiest way for us to both stay motivated and also challenge eachother. Sometime we go to he gym together to and just do our own thing but it’s good to  have a partner to actually push you to get to the gym in the first place!

Sahir and I recently started working out together and it’s so great. I push him to take classes that work on abs and flexibility and he always picks the high intensity cardio classes. I think working out together also makes both want to eat healthier which helps when one of us is more likely to cheat (cough, me). We also like to go bike riding on the weekends, the Beltline in Atlanta is a great spot.

Who tends to initiate fitness in your relationship?

Nick, for sure. I have my moments, but Nick has almost always been a little more disciplined than me in this area. I’m better at pushing health eating, but he pushes exercise.

We kind of trade off roles here. Sometimes I’m super into fitness and trying to get my life back on track so I’m the one pushing us into the gym. And sometimes it’s the complete opposite. Brandon will be on a total health kick and I’m over here devouring cheese fries and he has to bribe me to get into the gym ha!

Definitely me. Sahir is notorious for waking up at 5:30 and saying “hmm… we could just cancel” and I’m like no way, we are going to this class! Although in class, he will certainly get my attention and say hey, push yourself or go harder when he sees me slacking.

Working out together or working out apart. What’s your preference?

I LOVE working out with Nick and always feel a little more motivated to get a good workout when he’s encouraging me. A little friendly competition doesn’t hurt either. That being said, we tend to workout separately. He has a gym at work, so he works out there 4 times a week and I usually workout at home.

I like doing classes with B but that’s about it. If we’re at the gym, I definitely prefer to do my own thing. He gives me a few tips before we go but we both work out at such different paces!

Together definitely. A walk, class, hike, or bike ride it’s always better together. I love that Sahir pushes me and doesn’t let me slack. It’s one hour, gotta give it my all.

If one or both of you don’t feel motivated to workout, what’s one way to encourage one another to get moving?

Pizza. No, i’m joking (kinda). We usually just encourage one another and that seems to work. We have the benefit of having both been fit at one time or another. Nick, for one, is the most fit he’s ever been in his life (at least I think so) and he looks great! Encouraging one another as we see gains is great motivation for us to keep going. 

Shame. I know that’s so bad but it works for us ha! If one of us doesn’t feel like going to the gym, we kind of just make the other person feel like crap until they breakdown and get into their workout clothes.

Sahir and I use Classpass so the financial penalty is definitely reason for me to never cancel. I tell him that if we are gonna spend $40, it’s not going to be on not going to a class. Logic… gets him every time.


What’s the biggest struggle you both face in staying active (time, motivation, diet, etc.)?

I’ll be honest. I struggle with motivation more and I think Nick struggles with diet more. I love meal planning and cooking and can whip up some deliciously healthy meals pretty easily now (a major improvement from my mac and cheese days when we first got married). That being said, if one of us suggests pizza or a sweet treat, it’s over for both of us.

Maintaining a good diet is so hard for us. We both have super impulsive personalities and also LOVE sweets. So when we’re doing good, we’re going great. And then as soon as we get RedVines or cheese fries in our system on a “cheat day”, it’s downhill from there!

I’m with Lauren, it’s eating right. Sahir and I both love to have something sweet after dinner and that is such a dangerous cliff. Milk and cookies are our weakness!